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Mid Michigan Artificial Intelligence: Pioneering the Future of Technology Locally

Unlock Personal, Financial & Cultural Riches with Art: A Must-Read for Mid-Michigan Lawyers, Doctors, & Consultants

Summary: Art collecting serves not only as a quest for personal satisfaction but also as a sophisticated strategy for investment and societal contribution. For professionals such as lawyers, doctors, and consultants in Mid-Michigan, curating art

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Unlock Personal, Financial & Cultural Riches with Art: A Must-Read for Mid-Michigan Lawyers, Doctors, & Consultants
Art Heist Drama: The Battle Between Greed, Ethics, and the Power of Masterpieces
Discover America’s Hidden Art: How a Vast Collection Shapes Cultural Legacy and Mid-Michigan Professionals Can Learn

About the Publisher of this site


I'm  Joe Habscheid

I am a trilingual speaker fluent in Luxemburgese, German, and English, and grew up on farm in Germany near Luxembourg. After obtaining a Master's in Physics in Germany, I moved to the U.S. and built an office of an electronics manufacturer to seven figures. With an MBA from Northwood University and over 20 years of expertise transforming small businesses into multi-seven figure successes, I realize time is precious and needs to be  used wisely. My approach to consulting helps clients increase revenue and execute growth strategies. My writings here offer insights on Artificial Intelligence, marketing, politics (bad for business 😊, but yet utterly German), and general interests. --- >

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When we started working with Joe Habscheid nearly 16 years ago he not only reduced our advertising spending by almost 50% but we also kept our revenue stable. It was enough of an effect on our bottom line that my accountant started noticing, and asked what we were doing.

Denny Whalen, The Stable

When we started working with Joe Habscheid in 2007, MAG was part of a commercial contractor. Joe & his consulting company helped us break into the residential market, and helped making the spinoff of MAG into a residential and commercial insulation contractor a success.

Dan Murphy, MAG Insulation

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