
Exposed: Deepfake Porn’s Rampant Spread Demands Urgent Action 

 October 18, 2023

By  Joe Habscheid

Summary: This post navigates the issues of deepfake porn videos and nonconsensual content increasingly making a home in different corners of our digital world. It underscores how a lack of effective laws combined with the proliferation of deepfake apps and an increased reliance on digital communication are propelling this issue into dangerous waters. It also calls to action the need for hosting firms, search engines, and individuals alike to address the problem head-on.

The Surge of Nonconsensual Deepfakes

In recent years, nonconsensual deepfakes—including porn videos, face-swapped images, and ‘clothes-stripped-off’ photos—have infiltrated the internet at a disconcerting rate. An independent study has uncovered that a staggering 244,625 videos have found their way to the top 35 websites dedicated to deepfake porn in only the past seven years, marking a 54% increase from the previous year. It becomes all too clear that it’s not just the numbers that are unnerving, but the acceleration of the spread, with projections indicating that 2023 is likely to blow past all previous years in deepfake production. The victims of these deepfakes often face debilitating mental health issues, from anxiety and depression to, in extreme cases, suicide—underscoring the urgent need for effective measures against such intrusion.

Proliferation and Accessibility of Deepfake Apps

The mushrooming of deepfake apps, combined with the population’s reliance on digital channels for communication during the pandemic, has created a “perfect storm” for nonconsensual deepfake content. The lack of adequate laws tackling this issue only perpetuates the spread. The need for robust education about the pernicious side of deepfake technologies and formidable preventative measures has never been more critical.

Urgent Call for Action from Tech Platforms

There’s a call for tech platforms that are profiting from this content directly or indirectly to shoulder the responsibility actively. Hosting firms and search engines such as Google need to strengthen safeguards, including improved tracking capabilities and stricter content removal policies. Although tackling the widespread deepfakes problem is no small feat, stemming their proliferation by hindering the easy access to such videos and apps can significantly reduce their distribution.


To bob up against the tide of nonconsensual deepfakes, a concerted effort from individuals, tech giants, and law-making bodies is needed. By implementing dynamic laws, advocating for stringent platform policies, and most importantly, propagating education, we can hope to turn the tide on nonconsensual deepfakes and foster a safer online environment for all digital citizens.

Stay tuned for our next post where we delve into different strategies to counter the deepfake phenomenon. Until then, let’s remember the importance of informed digital citizenship and how crucial it is to navigate our online world with empathy and understanding.

#DeepfakeAwareness #DigitalCitizenship #CyberSafety #DeepfakeRegulation #TechAccountability

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Featured Image courtesy of Unsplash and Luca Bravo (XJXWbfSo2f0)

Joe Habscheid

Joe Habscheid is the founder of midmichiganai.com. A trilingual speaker fluent in Luxemburgese, German, and English, he grew up in Germany near Luxembourg. After obtaining a Master's in Physics in Germany, he moved to the U.S. and built a successful electronics manufacturing office. With an MBA and over 20 years of expertise transforming several small businesses into multi-seven-figure successes, Joe believes in using time wisely. His approach to consulting helps clients increase revenue and execute growth strategies. Joe's writings offer valuable insights into AI, marketing, politics, and general interests.

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